" While Dogs Dream"

While Dogs Dream is based on my interpretations of dog dreams. Dogzilla, the Shiba Inu, and Rae Gunn, the Norwegian Elkhound, are the players.

Dogs are such a part of my life that I have been coming back to them time and time again as inspiration for my art. The dogs have as many expressions and ideas as most people I know. They are always ready to work for their dinner, smile, bark, look over there. Zilla, Rae and I are intrigued by popular culture, movies, television, Starbucks and Big Boy. All of these elements and more pop up in the work, representationally or metaphorically.

What dog or child has not dreamt of riding Big Boy for all the burgers they can get? The dogs are talented subjects. I don't want to sound like some crazed dog person, so just know: to look into a dog's eyes is to look into their dreams.

All of the images have been photographed by me across the United States and in my own backyard using digital cameras. From the camera the images are downloaded to a Macintosh computer and manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. The final images are output to an Epson 1280, Epson 2200 printer, Epson 7500 or printed traditionally at a professional photography lab in sizes ranging from 8"x8" to 24"x24".

Heather Protz 2003