The Wolf's Revealed

you crept through
made your way to a craftily-formed location
out of my sight
unknowing, nobody laying their masks to the side
they keep covered their lies
I bestowed in you and unwavering trust
an ill-returned sentiment
was I unaware
my once thought to be brother
was not quite as heaven sent

as first assumed
but I was wrong
so mistaken
hope has gone
and taken me with it

secondhand notions of sorrow
false claims of loyalty
and although your motives are clear now
still it incenses me
that your every waking minute
was spent conceiving my demise
how could the one I treated as family
don such a convincing disguise

the wolf’s revealed
you fooled us all
and the flaming beast
rears his head and howls
he knows he’s forsaken

how could you
why would you

browse through my open heart
the bindings that held it together were severed
try filling the black hole you left
but deception and greed will only feed its destruction


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